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Ein Beitrag von Alice Gottesmann (6B)

Betrayal, jealousy, racism, misogyny and manipulation—those are the themes of the famous Shakespeare play Othello. On May 8th the classes 5CD, 6D and the Wahlmodul English Literature visited the English cinema to watch the play »Othello«, filmed 2023 at the National Theatre in London.

Early in the morning at 8 o’clock we met with Prof. Mayerhofer-Sebera, Prof. Steigberger and Prof. Knechtelsdorfer in front of the Haydn Cinema. While buying Popcorn, we prepared for watching the three-hour play. Some of us had already had an introduction to Shakespeare or Othello at school, others started discussing that afterwards. But all of us—even though we were all a bit tired because it was so early—really enjoyed watching the play! The tiredness soon left, because most of the scenes were thrilling. The actors worked with light effects, and it was an interesting experience to see a movie that is actually a play. The film also included a 10-minute discussion of four actors and actresses about themes and characters in the play, which showed us some new vantage points. Afterwards we discussed the play and Othello’s story at school.

A great opportunity to see the work of the most famous playwright in the world!