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5A and 6B went on an exciting school trip to the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, accompanied by their English teachers. IIASA is a renowned research institution that focuses on global challenges such as climate change, sustainability, and resource management.

During the workshop »Exploring Systems Thinking and Life Cycle Analysis through Chocolate«, students learned how complex systems work and how every decision impacts the environment. Using chocolate production as an example, they explored the entire life cycle—from cocoa bean cultivation and transportation to packaging and waste disposal. A highlight was the discussion on sustainable production and Fair Trade.

At the end of the workshop, everyone was delighted to receive a Fair Trade chocolate treat. In addition to the insightful workshop, the students were also impressed by the historic Laxenburg Castle and its beautiful park. The classes thoroughly enjoyed the experience and would love to participate in another IIASA workshop in the future!


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